Sunday, July 27, 2008


Hello reader,
Its been long since my last post, thanks to the hectic schedule i have.. imagine, 35hrs of classes out of 40 academic hours in a week... After such a long tiring day, i can't see anything else than maah Bed...
Anyways, i couldn't come up with something interesting yet am uploading a few quotes. They are really fantastic and u may find it very applicable in your own life.

  1. Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy.
  2. The difference between the impossible and possible lies in person's determination.
  3. No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.
  4. The ONLY CORRECT Actions are those that demand no explanation and no apology.
  5. No man is ever old enough to know better.
  6. Welcome anything that comes to you, but do not long for anything else.
  7. People seem not to realize that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their own character.
  8. We always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.
These were a few fantastic quotes in saw in TOI... many thanks to TOI who regularly publish such nice matter in Sunday Times.

I would be back soon on Blog.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Was Newton Correct with his 3rd Law ??

Newtons 3rd Law " Every Action has equal and opposite Reaction."

Hello reader,
Am sure that you must have definitely read it in your lower classes that Newton "The Great Scientist" gave 3 Laws. Usually these law are applied to Motion, but they completely fail as they are not in terms of Energy Transfers.

Believe me if you combine it with the Law of Conservation "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, can be only transformed from one form to another." , then it becomes applicable to almost Everything.

The point to write this article is to simply say that Newton was really wrong to write the statement for 3rd Law. I know i don't stand anywhere against such a great Thinker and Philosopher, but do consider my Theory and post Comments.

According to me, it should have been "Every positive energy has a negative energy equivalent which is of the same magnitude as of the former, where the positive and negative convention is based on frame of reference"...

What ?? You can't see any difference between two ??

Okay... Lets take an example, suppose, You are waving your hand,
Action here is -- air is displaced with the force exerted while you move your hand across the stable air.
And according to Newton's Statement, Reaction should be -- your hand should get displaced due to force exerted by air on your hand.

so ?? Do you really find any equivalence in action and reaction ??...Answer is definitely "NO".

But if you consider my statement, according to it,
Positive Energy would be -- the Biological-Energy (energy used in Muscles can't be expressed in Joules, one of my believes) consumed to move the hand is the total energy used for the action.
And, the Negative Energy would be --
  1. The energy dissipated in Lactic Acid production, also called Tiring Effect, it is responsible for making your brain feel tired so as to activate the muscle cell regeneration.
  2. The heat energy generated due to collision of your skin with the stationery particles of air.
  3. The momentum generated in the air particles which were earlier in rest state but now in random motion state.
New statement satisfies the problem even if we reverse the condition, the only change in equations would be there convention which is completely based on frame of reference.

This New Statement is very much applicable to every situation. Do let me know your views.
I would soon upload my experiences on
, Black Magic and Transforming States of Matter.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

First Blog...

Hello reader,
If you are reading this, then of course you know me... if not, then to start, I am Nikhil Pandey... did my high school 2yrs ago and doing my major in EC-Engineering.

The idea of blogging came to me when i saw plenty of chaps making out their pocket-money out of it, well earning was the dominating reason to start... layman would call me Money-minded, but i would rather term it as Profit-Minded ;)

My close friends always told me that i got good skills in relieving tensions and manipulating lives with some of my very philosophical lectures, but i really don't know much about it. Before starting this blog, I didn't had any lead in what am i actually gonna upload, would anyone really care to check or would i have to grab everyone from collar and say "visit my blog and make sure that you click the ads." :D

Well, my only experience (in my whole vacations) on "How your body state can kick your mind" or simply, the state -- High... happened to me almost this evening.
COnfused ??
hmmm.. lemme tell you my current state, i have my food in front of me followed by my pills waiting across the table... and me, with 103 fever on my head & with my night lamp on, i get a click on, how should i start with my first blog...

"Being Dynamic..." is the most suitable and stable statement with which i can define myself. :)

Do remember,first step is the hardest and yet easiest of every long journey...
and, you have already taken it... so just take a backseat, close your eyes and enjoy the ride as i give you The NewVision...

I hope that i get your company throughout my blogging experience.
