Saturday, May 1, 2010

From Nothing to Everything !!

First of all, I beg pardon of my readers… It’s been really long since my last post (end of December to be precise), anyhow a lot of things have happened in between like some self- wake-up calls and hibernation process with complete isolation, which one might suffer due to emotional breakdown.

Well, apart from all this a good thing has happened to me, i.e. Entry of one special person… Although, it’s irrelevant to talk about it here but will say that it was the source of enthusiasm to start writing once again.
So, what am I going to write about now??

It's something which happened this afternoon only, moments after that special person told me to start writting again, while i was in search for a good topic, this incident came through and i got a hold on to the Kite.. ;)


NTPC !!... NTPC!!... NTPC!!”, Rahul screamed as he was running up and down the corridor.

Did you find the admit card? Any idea of the course content or is it again your going to be the specially privileged one to be selected without preparation”, I said in a rather teasing manner for he’s one of those who specially d
idn’t sit for placements and the best part is the reason which compelled him to do so, “I am not interested in IT… !!”.

Don’t worry, he’s not going to crack it… He may be privileged but he’s jinxed as well…”, said Anurag with a witty and yet confident smile. The story of the jinx dates back to our 4th semester which was first limited to roll numbers 061081, 061082 and 061083… i.e. Nikhil, Nimit and Nisdham Krishna Koundinya, respectively. It was the time when we realized in spite of the amount of the hard work we put in during preparation nights, we cannot make it and also, the result of it was that we three had always showed a similar pattern on our grade sheets and floored cgpa’s. However, this jinx spread and people with good lucks too got infected. So, this way even Rahul showed the characteristics like us.

Thanks… !!", said Rahul with a sarcastic tone, "Anyway, do have any money with you right now, like 500 or so?”, Rahul asked.

Yeppp… I got 1000, but in ATM… 5968!”, I said offering my ATM Card.

5..9……8…6”, said Rahul in half-tone while he was trying to memorize the number.

Na… its 5968, imagine it on a keypad will get easier to remember”, I said to make it easier for him.

Hey, You don’t have any phone number with 5968, how do you keep it in your mind… Ahaa.. I got it !!, it’s a cross.. isn’t it?”, Rahul said at once he observed the pattern he supposed I was using to memorize the code this far.

Na, not a cross, its more like an i
nfinity symbol…”, I corrected him.

The moment I spoke these words, I realized that I just imagined the transformation of “Cross” to “Infinity”.

Now, allow me to draw the two symbols for you.

What is the meaning of Cross and Infinity?
  • Cross: It is the mark which is used to indicate wrong, dead end and "nothing at all".
  • Infinity: It is the mark of unlimited, limitless, endless and "Everything".

What is the difference between two of them?

Its just the two sides an infinity symbol has in addition to a cross symbol. If we add such two sides to a cross we will receive infinity. But, this will definitely leave one perplexed with simple yet complex questions like, such addition of sides is all with which we can transform from nothing to everything? What is this pencil we need to draw with? Is it possible on the plane of imagination or on reality too?

And answer to this is, Yes it is real, its possible in reality too. “Transformation: Nothing to Everything” is a real concept, and to be very frank you really just need to draw the two sides in your present “nothing” state. But, what are these two sides? What do they signify? What do we need to do?

Lets answer it one by one,

What are these two sides?

To answer this, observe the image below… the two sides are the Leaps you need to make on the two intersecting black tracks from one track to another.

  • Leap 1: Leap of Hard work. (Blue)
  • Leap 2 : Leap of Faith. (Red)
And the two sides are,

What do these sides signify?

These sides are the jump over which happens when you and your progress is stuck a point in your career. It’s when you just can’t handle things and always look for escapes. It’s when you have a pile of pending files over your desk, It’s when you can see a bunch of dirty coffee mugs overnight, when you start seeing far much cigarette butts on floor than fallen hair or when, when you realize that you had passed out over the booze or drugs you took relieve tension.
These are the points where you the need the Leap of Hard work. This is the time when you need to leave all the worries and focus yourself on everything you come across one by one, without taking results into consideration one should start working.

And, Leap of Faith comes in handy when you’ve successfully taken the leap of hard work and have done all the necessary tasks to be performed, keeping all the work done in your checklist. This is the time when you have to wait and see the results crawling towards you.

What do we need to do?

Nothing. One doesn't have to do anything at all about it. Signs will be produced in your life automatically when its time to take a leap, like you getting stressed and irritated with everything, quarrels over pity matters, etc. are the signifiers of work-related stress, so all we need to do is bring up the big pile and start doing it. (i.e. Leap of Hard work)

And for, Leap of Faith, I must say it is to be taken only after the leap of Hard work, its usual signs are, no work in checklist, no results popping up, getting impatient and checking mails every 30 minutes for any updates, dropping the outings because of something important that might come up today and then later realize that nothing important happened at all. In such case, all you have to do is sit back and take a long breath, pick up phone and arrange an outing, come back home and start with some totally different motif of work and let the results lie in the hands of god.


This is how I am sure you will be able to complete the transformation from “Nothing” to “Everything”. Which really seems to be practical enough.
I hope this small thought was a good help to you. There are still many people who don’t understand this logic, I request you dear reader to spread the word so that many others can be helped.
